We’re excited to invite you on a journey with us that leads to a deeper understanding of your relationship with God, His Church, and His purpose for you. This fall we are continuing a wonderful life-experience in our church called Rooted. It is a life changing experience for all who participate. In a world that is experiencing a pandemic, racial tensions, political discord, anxiety, isolation, mental health struggles, and emptiness, Rooted offers group experiences designed to help you see God and hear His voice in new and surprising ways. You will experience genuine relationships in a group grounded in listening, sometimes challenging, and always loving and caring for one another.
Sunday School
Email Alexis Wood for more information or if you or your older children would like to assist.
Confirmation is a rite of the church that is preceded by a time of instruction in God’s Word and Lutheran doctrine. It is a systematic way to help baptized children of God grow in their faith and knowledge of God, and to identify more closely with the Lutheran Church.
Confirmation is not mentioned in Scripture. It is, therefore not commanded by God like the sacraments of baptism and the Lord’s Supper. However, confirmation was seen early on by the Church as an important rite that helped solidify the relationship of the student and Jesus Christ.
For many years a person could not commune until he or she was confirmed. However, Abiding Savior offers communion to youth in fifth grade or above when they have completed a special instruction class on the Lord’s Supper, and they feel they are ready to commune. A student may also wait until they are confirmed to participate in the Lord’s Supper.
At Abiding Savior, confirmation is a two-year instruction period generally during the seventh and eigth grade (or above) years of a youth, with the rite of confirmation taking place at the end of the second year.
New Member Class
We long to help people find help, hope, and home here at Abiding Savior Lutheran Church and School. As people connect with us we invite them to become a more formal part of our congregation through membership when they are ready to do so.
There are a couple ways to become a member of Abiding Savior:
- If you are currently a member of another Lutheran Church and would like to transfer your membership to Abiding Savior simply request a transfer from the Church Office.
- If you’re not a member of the Lutheran Church we’d like to have the opportunity to share with you what the Lutheran Church believes, teaches and confesses. This happens in Adult Membership Classes that are taught several times a year. These classes, taught by the pastors and other knowledgeable members, are a great time for studying God’s word together, asking your questions and hopefully getting some answers.
We invite all the people who are transferring into the congregation and the people who have gone through the membership class and decide they want to be members to experience our New Member Orientation. The purpose of this gathering is to get new members acclimated and assimilated into the congregation.
Finally, we ask our new members to enter the congregation in a worship service where we introduce them to the congregation and thank God for sending them to us.