The curriculum of Abiding Savior Lutheran School is designed to give a well-rounded, quality Christian education to each child. Following is a summary of the major subject areas offered. Click here to view a detailed description of the curriculum.
Transitional Kindergarten and Kindergarten offer a readiness program in the basic school subjects. A phonics-based language arts curriculum helps students begin the reading process. Since the early years are important in the formulating of mental attitudes and moral philosophies, Christian concepts of everyday living are stressed.
Family life education is taught based on Christian values and scriptural directives. Parents will have opportunity to preview materials used for sex education instruction in grades 5-8.
The curriculum of Abiding Savior Lutheran School is designed to give a well-rounded, quality Christian education to each child. Following is a brief summary of the major subject areas offered. Click here to view a detailed description of the curriculum.
Transitional Kindergarten and Kindergarten offer a readiness program in the basic school subjects. A phonics-based language arts curriculum helps students begin the reading process. Since the early years are important in the formulating of mental attitudes and moral philosophies, Christian concepts of everyday living are stressed.
Family life education is taught based on Christian values and scriptural directives. Parents will have opportunity to preview materials used for sex education instruction in grades 5-8.
Physical fitness, group and individual games are taught. Knowledge of rules and sportsmanship are also emphasized. The physical education program in grades 5-8, include each student dressing out each class day in specified P.E. clothing. Students are responsible for obtaining their gym clothes including athletic shoes, athletic socks, and Abiding Savior P.E. shirts and shorts. All clothes should be clearly marked with the student’s name. Each student will be assigned a lock and locker from the school for the year. Students should be ready and dressed out for P.E. by the second week of school. If a student is injured or ill, a note from home will excuse him/her from active participation for that day. A doctor’s note is required for extensive inability to participate. A sports physical is required for upper grade students certifying that they are physically able to participate in physical education class, after-school sports and cheerleading
Students in Kindergarten through grade 8 learn basic computer, digital citizenship, coding, word processing and Internet skills. Grade K-5 have iPads available in the classroom for activities and projects. Students in Grades 6-8 use personal Google Chromebooks.
It is our desire to introduce students to the basics of the Spanish language through such means as video instruction and special language teachers. Formal instruction is offered 2 days a week in Grades TK – 8. The goal is to prepare students to be successful in Spanish I in high school.

The Enrichment Program will provide a differentiated curriculum that enhances self-discovery and independent learning as well as:
- promote risk-taking by providing a non-threatening, non-graded environment
- enhance the understanding and application of knowledge beyond the regular curriculum
- develop critical thinking skills, creative thinking skills and problem solving strategies
- encourage independent decision-making based on logic
- foster effective communication skills through persuasive speaking and writing
- develop independent discovery through self-selected themes and topics
- encourage awareness of local and world problems, as well as promotes social responsibility
Junior High electives provide enriching activities in photography, robotics, coding, cooking, archery and many more.
Abiding Savior’s Student Success Center in partnership with Lutheran School Education Ministries (LSEM) services students with diverse learning needs. LSEM Christ-Centered resources supports children who have a variety of learning challenges. Our vision as a ministry is to reach and serve families through Christ-centered partnerships to support children with learning needs in their academic and spiritual development.
Our Student Success Center offers comfort, security, and specialized instruction to students with learning needs. Student services in a resource room range from consultation to supportive re-teaching of subjects taught in a general education classroom to direct instruction in core subject areas,
LSEM resource room services may include, but are not limited to:
- Classroom observations
- Coordinated teaching with general education colleges
- Academic evaluations
- Establishment of educational plans
- Direct instruction in curricular areas
- Progress monitoring of students’ academic development
- Assistance with curricular accommodations and/or modifications
- Coordination of services with public school districts
- Supportive training for teaching staff and parents
Abiding Savior recognizes that in today’s diverse world, many students have unique learning needs. The Student Success Center is conducted as follows:
- The teacher(s) and the parent(s) fill out the necessary paperwork to refer the student to the SSC.
- A referral meeting will be held with the parents, teachers, and the special education teacher to determine placement.
- Special education teacher observes student.
- Student’s needs are assessed.
- Following assessments, test results, and observations recommendations will be shared with the parent(s) and teacher(s).
- Depending upon needs, the student will be placed on an Individualized learning plan or 504 plan.
- Students- receive either individualized, small group instruction or 1:1 on a regular basis.
- Modifications/Accommodations and academic support are provided to students who need support but are not serviced in the SSC.
The athletic programs at Abiding Savior Lutheran School provide opportunities for physical development, as well as spiritual, mental and social growth. Our boys and girls learn Christian sportsmanship in competitive participation, and become thankful to God for the physical abilities they have been given.
Our school belongs to the Lutheran Orange County Athletic League (LOCAL), and participates in flag football, basketball, volleyball, and track. A physician’s Certificate of Health is required for participation in athletics. This form is part of your registration materials.
Any student who is absent from school will not be allowed to participate in any sports activities on that day, or on a weekend day if absent on Friday, unless special permission is given by the principal.
Music is a part of our daily life at Abiding Savior. In the classroom you hear students singing lunch prayers, devotional and good-bye songs. We sing every week in chapel and have regular music classes. Classes are scheduled to sing in church at least twice a year.
Classroom music in grades TK – 6th covers basic music skills, singing seasonal songs, recorders, handbells, families of the orchestra, music appreciation, rhythmic movement, composers, patriotic and sacred music.
Special music groups include:
KINGDOM RINGERS I & II – Grades 4th – 8th. Handbells teach the students coordination and focus as well as musical skills. This group plays in church, for chapel, and at our annual Christmas concert. They participate in the Young Ringers Festival in the spring. We practice on Wednesdays during the school day.
CHRISTMAS SERVICES – Preschool, TK, and Kindergarten prepare a Christmas program together. First through sixth grades prepare a special Christmas service that involves music and speaking parts to tell the Christmas story.
MUSICALS – Grades TK, K – 5th prepare a Christian musical that showcases their singing, dancing, and acting talents in the spring. This is often a highlight of the year.
Ask in the school office for registration forms for these groups.
Our students experience an age appropriate Chapel service each Wednesday morning. It is a time for the students to hear the wonderful Gospel message of Jesus’ love for them and how they can grow in their personal relationship with their Savior. Music and prayer are an integral part of the Chapel service.
A chapel offering is taken each week. Chapel offerings go to help designated charities.
Abiding Savior offers a variety of after school activities for all grades – from sports to Lego with everything in between.
KINGDOM RINGERS is our handbells group offered for students in 4th grade and above. It is open to both church and school children. They meet on Thursday afternoons from 3:15 – 4:15 PM in Music Room #207.
KIDS OF THE KINGDOM CHOIR is open to children in grades 2nd – 6th. There are members from both the school and church. They rehearse on Tuesdays from 3:15-4:10 PM in Music Room #207. They also sing about once a month in church, for concerts, and at festivals.
If you have any questions or are interested in joining any of the two groups listed above, please pick up a sign-up sheet in the school office. You may also email Dr. Christian Guebert for more information.
Showtime provides exposure to different styles of dance: Tap and Ballet. Weekly classes are offered in grades TK – 3rd. Classes are held on Tuesdays for TK & K from 3:15 – 4 PM and Thursdays for Grades 1 – 3 from 3:15 – 4PM . Registration forms are available in the school office.
If your child is in TK or Kindergarten and is interested in learning the fundamentals of baseball, hockey, basketball, soccer, football, volleyball and golf, this is the class for them. Classes are on Tuesdays from 12:30 PM – 1:05 PM. Registration forms are available in the school office.
There is still time to join the cub scout pack, for grades 1st – 4th. Volunteers to assist with the pack are also needed. Please email Mrs. April Harer for more information.
These groups meet after school on the Abiding Savior Lutheran School Campus. See the school office for information.
At Abiding Savior Lutheran School we are dedicated to offering a variety of mission and service projects through out the school year.
There are three different ways in which the students serve. The first opportunity is through school wide chapel offerings. The students chose to support a mission each trimester by sending the chapel offerings to that ministry.
The second opportunity is through each individual class. Every class participates in their own service projects through out the school year as well. Classes have graciously done a number of projects including: adopting a child through World Vision, making cards for congregation members who are ill, beautifying different areas of campus, and preparing food for local homeless individuals.
Students package Operation Christmas Child Boxes on our annual service day. They also collect brand new toys for The Spark of Love Toy Drive. They participate in supporting NEGU.